I didn’t used to think Russian was anything special. After all, they say Russian women are the belarus dating customs beautiful in the world, so the men must be extra charming to be able to woo them over.
For you, because of you and to you is my life! Для тебя, ради тебя и за тебя жизнь моя! Dla teb’a, radi teb’a i za teb’a zhyzn’ maya! I was surprised with how many beautiful words and phrases there are in Russian for expressing love. I found more on Russian than I did for French and Italian! Dating a Russian girl is a wonderful experience for everybody.
Russian females are charming and sociable. They rank family and motherhood first. Nearly all Russian women have a university or college education. They are good at many things and highly respect the traditions. 32 Romantic Russian Phrases has been one of my top-ranking articles. But I looked back on it and thought about it.
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Sign up to receive new posts by email. Please check your inbox for your confirmation email. You must click the link in the email to verify your request. Valentine’s Day is around the corner! If your Valentine happens to be Russian, you might want to update your vocabulary on the subject of love and affection. Russian heart with some authentic Russian vocab might do more than you think. Once your feelings have ripened to a certain degree, go ahead and express them.